Monday, November 14th, 2011
Citation= A quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author.
-For example: Thank you Google & for this definition.
MLA Format=
Annotated Bibliography= a bibliography after which a brief description or summary is listed.
Quoting= words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker. It must be identical to the original, using a narrow segment of the source. It is used to provide support for claims or add credibility to the writing
Paraphrasing= putting a passage from source material into your own words. It is used to give examples of several points of view on a subject.
Summarizing= involves putting the main idea(s) into your own words, including only the main point(s). Once again, it is necessary to attribute summarized ideas to the original source. Summaries are significantly shorter than the original and take a broad overview of the source material.
Plagiarism= the uncredited use (both intentional and unintentional) of someone Else's words or ideas.
Monday, November 14th, 2011 They say, I say Chapter 3 The Art of Quoting
In this article, Animal Rights Attorney (ARA) "Doris Lin" says "many animal rights activists have a pet(s)." Parents don't own their kids, but they are their "guardian". If animals were no longer considered property, people could still be allowed to have pets just like "having" kids without owning them". I think the ARA is trying to say that people shouldn't think of animals as property/possessions , but rather, we should be able to have them around and "guard/take care of" them when we are needed to do so.
November .., 2011