Monday, February 13, 2012

Fast Food Nation: Chp.4

1. What legal issues have been involved with fast food franchises?
The fast food chains were repeatedly sued by franchises who are upset about encroachment, inflated prices charged by suppliers, bankruptcies, and terminations that were in their opinion unfair.
2. In what particular legal action has the Subway fast food franchise been involved? (100-102)
During the 1990s, Subway was involved in more legal disputes with franchises than any other fast food chain. Mainly, because of its unusual system for recruiting new franchises.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Argument Essay Tip Guide

John Rayner - Period6 - 02,06,12

General argument essay= designed as a “contemporary issues” question, but is really a “personal values” question.
Moral, thoughtful, or reflective society consider its most important strengths.
State the issue, Offer an opinion, & Include your opinion (whether you agree or disagree with the offered opinion)
Identify the Claim:
  1. first (this is extremely vital) you must understand this claim being made by the author and make sure others can understand it as well.
  2. second, you need to perceive the larger social context and express feelings about it.
  3. finally (this is also extremely crucial) you are being asked to make your argument using examples from your own experiences.
    • Keep in Mind: colleges and other higher positions will be reviewing what you are stating in your writing.
    There is a  relatively easy 3 step process you should follow before you begin to write your essay:
    1. step one is to critically read the passage and underline anything that clearly define the author’s claim.
    2. step two is to set up your immediate reaction to the issue in a few words: are you for it, against it, or ambivalent toward it?
    3. step three is to make a list of viable, thoughtful examples you can use to help illustrate your argument.
    Creating a Sample List
    • an effective step you can take to guarantee success in writing the general argument essay is to create a sample list of works and experiences to draw upon when you are considering you argument.
      • Lists can include: Books, movies, TV shows, current events, history lessons, and most importantly PERSONAL EXPERIENCES- and many other things.
    • no matter what the length of the prompt is read it carefully and strategically analyze it.
    • Brainstorm

Monday, January 30, 2012

Fast Food Nation Ch 3 Questions

Why haven't fast food workers unionized and what tactics have management used to defeat union efforts?

Fast Food Nation Ch 2 Questions

Discuss the fast food industry's marketing to children and explore the ethics of targeting children, especially as they relate to advertising in schools.

The fast food industry's marketing is usually targeting children because it is easier to make them buy at the fast food restaurants. Also, children usually bring their parents or grandparents so the restaurants can make money even more. Many restaurants use mascots, toys, and cheaper meals to attract children.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fast Food Nation: Intro & Ch 1 Questions

Intro: How is the 'American world view' embodied in the fast food industry?
I think that "America's world view" is embodied in the fast food industry, because other countries see that "hey, fast-food industries are good for our people and our economy", thus, they want to have fast-food in their country as well. In addition to this, there's a lot of power & influence over populations due to the ongoing consumption/promotion of fast food in America.

And The fast food industry shows the "American world view" of capitalism by tricking young people by numbing their sense of money and leading them to buy more fast foods.

Chapter 1: What elements of Southern California "culture" contributed to and encouraged the development of fast food restaurants?
The elements that contributed to/ encouraged the development of fast food are the consumers and the advertising, but really the cars contributed the most to the development of restaurants. McDonald wouldn't grow so fast if cars weren't so abundant.