Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fast Food Nation: Intro & Ch 1 Questions

Intro: How is the 'American world view' embodied in the fast food industry?
I think that "America's world view" is embodied in the fast food industry, because other countries see that "hey, fast-food industries are good for our people and our economy", thus, they want to have fast-food in their country as well. In addition to this, there's a lot of power & influence over populations due to the ongoing consumption/promotion of fast food in America.

And The fast food industry shows the "American world view" of capitalism by tricking young people by numbing their sense of money and leading them to buy more fast foods.

Chapter 1: What elements of Southern California "culture" contributed to and encouraged the development of fast food restaurants?
The elements that contributed to/ encouraged the development of fast food are the consumers and the advertising, but really the cars contributed the most to the development of restaurants. McDonald wouldn't grow so fast if cars weren't so abundant.


  1. When you have answered these questions you will need to email and let me know.

  2. Hello =D,

    I have completed the questions.

    PS. I hope you're doing well, hope you come visit we miss you.
    PSS. I am unable to email you austinisd email address.
